What the Euros can teach us about Marketing…

Football fanatics alike will be aware of the next big tournament to hit our screens later this month, UEFA Euros 2016. While, like me, you may not be football’s biggest fan, you have to admit that its presence alone certainly makes a stir among the Great British public.

How do they do it? What is it that makes two teams of 11 men kicking a ball across a pitch for 90 minutes gain so much attention, grown men crying with joy and sometimes (most in England’s case) despair. Along with coaches, hard work and dedication the main factor for a football team’s success is Unity – working together as a well-oiled machine. Individually impressive, but together unstoppable. So, what does any of this have to do with Marketing? How can Rooney and Wilshere have any relevance to Web Design and Social Media?

Simple, one factor of Marketing does not work as well without the others.

72% of consumers want to be engaged with an integrated marketing approach. By integrating your main channels of marketing together, also known as Multi-Channel Marketing, you can begin to create the well-oiled machine that will see the conversions, engagement and results you’ve been aiming for.

What are the benefits of Multi-channel Marketing?

Using multiple channels for a marketing campaign will see greater exposure. Consumers that are more likely to use social media as opposed to reading an email will still see your campaign.

The more marketing channels used the more analytical data produced. Campaigns can be tracked with greater intelligence which will prove beneficial for future reference as target markets will be easier to track.

Brand Recognition
Not only does multi-channel marketing reinforce your key marketing messages but each time consumers view your campaigns on various channels it will build upon their brand recognition.

It’s clear then that although multi-channel marketing will not cost you as much as a football team, by following similar disciplines, and utilising the best marketing channels for your business needs, you can begin to create a team that will ultimately score goals.

So, what does your starting 11 look like?

Is your marketing strategy giving you a fright? Let’s chat today!

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