Cultivating creativity in the workplace

cultivating creativity workplace

We live in a hyper-connected world at the moment. We’re all receiving so much information so often, it can be overwhelming. This is especially true for marketers – working in an ‘always on’ culture, it can be difficult to stay creative every day and come up with brilliant campaign ideas consistently. We all want to give each and every client a great experience and develop great ideas. So, what steps can managers and teams take to make sure that you’re cultivating creativity in the workplace?

Open your eyes

Rule one: be more aware of your environment. Whether it’s watching a film at the weekend, visiting a gallery space, or just taking your daily commute. What can you see that inspires you? What engages you? From social media content to graphic design, what grabs you, excites you or takes your breath away?

Make mood boards of the creative things that spark your imagination and keep them top of mind for your next creative meeting. You never know how these images and words might be the missing piece of your next creative campaign puzzle.

Create the right space and mood

Firstly, stay organized and keep your filing and workspace clean and clear. But, make sure that you and your team have a welcoming and friendly space to work in. Offer free tea and coffee, a ‘chill-out space’ for brainstorming or taking a break. And never forget to give great feedback! Did a great piece of creative recently? Why not frame some of your work around the office? Recognise the work you’re all doing and encourage one another – loved someone’s design? Tell them! Enjoyed someone’s copy? Shout about it! And when you get great feedback from a client – share it with the team! You spend more time with your work colleagues than at home so make it positive!

Encourage bravery

No idea is too grand, or too stupid. Encourage a supportive atmosphere where everything can be an option. Take turns at leading ideas meetings and sharing your inspiration. You may have a client that doesn’t have a huge budget – but if you come up with a campaign idea that inspires them – they may just go with it. Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries!

Take breaks

Your brain needs rest. Understand that sometimes the greatest ideas are sparked from a little boredom. Don’t check your phone on your break – disengage, rest, think – you never know what your brain might throw up.

Talk, talk, talk

Encourage your team to share their ideas in an informal way. Use internal communications such as Slack and you and the team can easily share links, pictures, and content ideas. Give them enough space to sit together when they’re free and chat! We all know how busy it can get during work hours – not everyone can multitask and work and talk. You never know what great ideas – and team bonding – will happen as a result of some inane lunch chat!

Do you already practice these tips? How are you cultivating creativity in the workplace? Tweet us your tips!

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